"Accelerating Transformation through Execution Consulting"

Arete in classic Greek Philosophy was the word for the process of self-actualizing and striving to reach highest potential. Arete means "Goodness", "Excellence", or "Virtue". In Homeric poems, Arete is frequently associated with bravery, but more often, effectiveness. The man or woman of Arete is a person of highest effectiveness. They use all their faculties: Strength, bravery and wit to achieve real result.

At Arete Financial Partners, we are committed to helping our clients to achieve their full potential. We believe in understanding our client needs. We create tailor made solutions based on the reality of the situation facing the client.

About Arete

A client spoke highly of Arete's pragmatic solutions and its delivery: "While recommending various innovative and effective business solutions that delivered cost and productivity optimization, their solutions were very practical.


Client Speak

Arete Financial Partners is a boutique Management Consultancy and Investment Advisory firm specialized in helping Financial Service clients manage change.

We provide provides three main services of Management Consulting, Investment Advisory and Talent Development, helping clients accelerate transformation agendas across the full range of Investment, Commercial, Private, Retail and Consumer Finance clients.

Arete Financial Partners focuses on “Execution Consulting.” Our Execution framework brings as much discipline and methodology as is required to create the strategy since we believe that an idea doesn't create value until it is executed.

We break the high-level strategy or business plans down into manageable pieces, draw the connections to structural and operational changes that need to be made, communicate the right messages to everyone involved in implementation and finally monitor performance against those strategy implementation efforts and take corrective actions before any problems with performance hit the bottom line.

Arete provides the following differentiation vis-à-vis traditional consulting practices.

Execution Consulting:

Arete works with its clients to thoroughly understand its strategy before starting work on any project. Our deep understanding of the client ultimately shapes the execution plan.


Arete’s flexibility and experience allows it to innovatively envision the various scenarios of extending the bank’s value proposition. These options are discussed on how the bank can fully maximize the both the value of assignment.

Consultant Experience:

Arete prides itself in the diversity and quality of highly experienced bankers forming its project teams. Our consultants have an average of 10-20 years’ experience in the banking and finance industries, and most have Master’s Degrees specializing in business, finance, and technology.


Arete's consultants with decades of work experience in the industry provide pragmatic best-in-class solutions accumulated from years of solid banking experiences and customized to a client’s unique situation.